오픽 냄비짱

[OPIC] 유형별 질문 모음 - 2. Shopping

냄비짱 2023. 8. 1. 08:57


Q. 1

주로 어떤 물건을 쇼핑하시나요?
쇼핑하기 전에 무엇을 고려하나요?

What are the things you usually shop for?
What do you consider before going shopping?

Q. 2

쇼핑은 얼마나 자주 하시나요?
쇼핑을 할 때는 주로 누구와 어디로 가나요?

How often do you go shopping?
When you go shopping, who do you usually go with and where do you usually go?

Q. 3

최근에 구입한 상품에 대해 알려주세요.
언제였고 어디서 구입하셨나요?
구입한 상품에 만족하셨나요?

Please tell me about an item you recently bought.
When was it, and where did you buy that item?
Were you satisfied with the item you bought?


Q. 1

당신의 최근 매장 쇼핑에 대하여 얘기해주세요. 어디로 쇼핑을 갔나요? 언제 쇼핑을 갔나요? 누구와 함께 갔나요? 쇼핑을 하는동안 어떤 재밌거나 흥미로운 일이 발생했나요?
Tell me about your  grocery shopping trip. Where did you go shopping? When did you go shopping? Who did you go with? Did anything funny or exciting happen while you were shopping?

Q. 2

당신이 마지막으로 쇼핑을 했던 게 언제인가요? 어디로 갔고 무엇을 샀나요? 쇼핑 경험에 대해 특별한 게 있나요? 누구와 함께 갔나요? 모든 것을 묘사해주세요.
Where did you go and what did you buy ? What was special about that shopping experience ? 


Q. 3

쇼핑 트렌드에 대한 최근 변화에 대해 설명해주세요. 과거 트렌드와 다른 점이 있나요? 만약 그렇다면, 무엇이 바뀌었나요? 사람들은 단지 물건을 사는 것 뿐만 아니라 다양한 이유로 쇼핑을 하는 것처럼 보여요. 이에 대하여 가능한 많은 디테일과 함께 얘기해주세요.
I’d like you to explain recent changes in shopping trends. Is it different from past trends? If so, what has changed? It seems like people might be shopping for various reasons, not just for buying products. I’d like to know about it in as much detail as possible.


Q. 4

사람들은 가끔 쇼핑을 하며 어려움을 겪습니다. 당신이 쇼핑을 하면서 겪었던 문제들은 무엇인가요? 자세하게 설명해주세요.
People sometimes go through difficulties while they are shopping. What are some problems you had to deal with while you were shopping ? Give me all the details.


Q. 5

당신은 특별한 쇼핑 경험을 가지고 있나요? 무엇을 위해 쇼핑을 했었나요? 언제 쇼핑을 했나요? 누구와 함께였나요? 그 경험에 대해 이야기해주세요.
Do you have a special shopping experience? What were you shopping for? When was it? Who were you with? Tell me about the experience.


Q. 6

쇼핑 습관에 대해 이야기해주세요. 당신은 얼마나 자주 쇼핑을 가나요? 당신은 어디로 쇼핑을 하러 가나요? 주로 무엇을 사나요?
Let's talk about your shopping habits. How often do you go shopping ? Where do you go for your shopping ? What do you most often buy ?


Q. 7

당신이 어떻게 처음으로 쇼핑에 흥미를 가지게 된건지 말해주세요. 당신은 주로 어디로 쇼핑을 가나요? 누구와 함께 쇼핑을 즐기기 시작했나요?
Tell me about how you first became interested in shopping. Where do you often go for shopping? Who did you start enjoying shopping with?